Holiday Activities and Food Programme 2024

Click the boxes below to search for activity providers in Solihull who are providing free places to children on benefits-related free school meals during the summer under the Holiday Activity and Food Programme - known as HAF.

You can search for activity providers by:

  • Name of activity provider
  • Postcode of where the activities are taking place (to view those closest to your home or work address).

You can click below to view a complete list of HAF activities and Specialist activities for children with additional needs and/or disabilities.

You can also access information on other free summer activities for all children and families available in Solihull and beyond.


The Activities on the Family Information Service Directory are not registered or regulated by Solihull Council. It is your responsibility to ensure you are happy that the activities are safe and appropriate for your child. Please visit Safe Organisations - Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership (